Announcing ARSTM elections: send in nominations and renew your membership soon!

Hi ARSTMers!

With NCA less than two months away, the Association for the Rhetoric of Science, Technology, and Medicine is excited to provide some updates about membership and elections.

Leadership Elections

It’s time to elect new leadership! As a small organization, ARSTM relies on an active, enthusiastic, and collegial officer group. Service loads are reasonable with most positions normally requiring under 40 hours per year; the President normally has a more significant commitment, and those nominated should be able to serve actively in that role when they become President.

We invite all ARSTM members to nominate candidates for the following offices:

  • Second Vice President

  • Treasurer

  • Secretary

  • Social Media Officer

  • Web Administrator

Please consider nominating scholars from diverse backgrounds and fields. All ARSTM members (including students, non-tenure track professors, and tenure-track professors) are eligible for nomination to any office. Self-nominations are encouraged!

Changes to Treasurer and Web Admin Term Lengths

The current leadership and board of directors recently approved changes to the term lengths of both Treasurer and Web Administrator. Both positions will now be 2-year terms, with elections still held yearly.

As a result, newly elected officers in these roles will always serve the first year of their term in conjunction with the person elected in the prior year. This overlap will give incoming treasurers and web administrators time to learn the ropes and allow ARSTM leadership to engage in longer-term planning.

In other words, the Treasurer and Web Administrator we elect in the upcoming election will serve alongside current officers Dr. Dan Card and Dr. Ella Browning for the 2021-2022 year, and with the winners of the subsequent election for the 2022-2023 year.

Election Timeline

Please send nominations by email to ARSTM President Cagle (


) by October 8, 2021. Nominations must include the nominee’s:

  1. Name

  2. Title/Position

  3. Institution

  4. Contact email

  5. ARSTM position they are being nominated for

Nominees, if they agree to be considered, will be asked to submit short statements of interest to the President by October 22, 2021. Statements of interest will be shared via the ARSTM listserv and website during the voting period.

Voting will take place from October 29 to November 5, 2020. Electronic ballots will be sent to all active members.

Elected officers will be installed at the ARSTM Annual Business Meeting, which will be held via Zoom on November 15, 2021, prior to the National Communication Association meeting.

ARSTM Open Hour: What’s It Like to Lead ARSTM?

We also invite anyone interested to chat with ARSTM leaders about the value of ARSTM leadership and mentorship activities at the first ARSTM Open Hour.

Drop by to chat with current and past ARSTM officers to learn more about each position and decide whether running ARSTM leadership is right for you!

Sept. 30 @ 1-2 p.m. Eastern


Membership Renewals

Annual ARSTM memberships are required to run for office and vote in elections , so we invite you to renew your membership.

Memberships purchased today are good for 9/1/2021 – 8/31/2021, and include registration fees for both the ARSTM@NCA 2021 and ARSTM@RSA 2022 preconferences!